HomeServices Inspection




3D CHINA provides a wide variety of part inspection services gives you the ability to:

First article inspection

Compare as-built parts to ideal 3D mode

Measure wall thickness

  • Tool Verification

    Each part requires horizontal positioning and final spatial positioning. The first step is to measure all part references using a laser measurement system and the coordinate system with the best fit algorithm to report the baseline fit error. This result can inform the user of the overall spatial dimension information.

  • Line Assembly

    After the entire production line or the assembly line was finished in the factory, due to shipping, to dismantle the production line or assembly line each component transport to the customer site for final installation, validation and test.

  • Industrial robots calibration

    Robot repeat positioning accuracy is high, but the absolute positioning accuracy is poor. In order to improve the performance of the robot and expand the application range of the robot, the parameters of the robot kinematics model need to be calibrated to reduce the error of the absolute accuracy. Our laser tracker inspection and calibration service for industrial field calibration, can effectively help customers solve this problem.